Policies, Positions & Guidance

APR Public Policy

APR initiatives impact on Pharmaceutical professionals, Life Science Professionals, Pharmaceutical specialists and patients in various areas, including issues either directly related to Public health in general:

Access to care and to information

Centres of reference

Health Technology assessment

Best practices

Sharing resources and capacities

Shortage of professionals

Recognition of professional qualifications, etc.

APR’s public policy activities support APR and its members by engaging with the authorities on issues related to the practice and profession of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. They help APR and its members in their mission and activities by providing specific support concerning political affairs.

APR has a dynamically diverse and global reach.To inform and improve public policy, APR Public Policy Committee coordinates the association's activities. APR seeks to educate policymakers, Pharmaceutical, and the public about policies that will foster and accelerate innovations in treatment, Pharmaceutical and related disciplines in ways that benefit society.

APR provides independent and technology-neutral research and resources to policy leaders, stakeholders, and the public about public policy issues. APR's contributions to public policy are drawn from the deep technical expertise of the Pharmaceutical community. Our policy members apply their expertise and experience to bring relevant scientific research, best practices, and foresight of technology advances to public policy issues. Through policy statements, issue briefs, white papers, and reports, APR delivers knowledge-based analysis and educational materials to advance policy leaders' understanding.

Highlights of Our Public Policy Activities

APR provides independent and technology-neutral research and resources to policy leaders, other stakeholders, and the public about public policy issues, drawn from the deep expertise of the Pharmaceutical community.

Our activities are covered by media outlets from all across the world.

We publish a Bi-annual newsletter on policy issues for audiences around the world.

We reached 10,000+ users through our blog and social media.

We educated 200+ congressional staff and policy leaders during this past year through our briefings, events, and webinars.

We contributed to multi stakeholder discussions as panel speakers, discussants, and advisory experts.

We provide comments responsive to proposed regulations with far-reaching implications for the Pharmaceutical field and society.

Recognition of professional qualifications, etc.

We provide thought-leadership on cutting-edge technology policy issues.

We provide detailed, analytical, scientifically sound, and technically accurate policy recommendations and analysis to high-level federal decision makers from all over the world.